The Indian Academy Dehradun organised an awareness workshop on ‘Cyber Crime’ on Saturday, 31st Aug,2024. The resource person for the workshop was Additional Sub Inspector Manoj Beniwal from Cyber Crime Police Station, Uttarakhand Special Task Force. The session aimed to educate the staff and the students on various types of cyber crimes including online cyber frauds, cyber bullying, hacking, digital arrest and many more.
Mr.Beniwal provided useful practical tips and guidelines to ensure online safety which included strong passwords, avoid responding to fake links, fake apps etc.The audience was encouraged to use the helpline no.1930 and email- to lodge complaints related to cyber crimes. The students were advised not to viral memes of teachers, students and school which may come under cyber crime.
The session was indeed enlightening and eye opening as it empowered the students and staff with the knowledge needed to protect themselves from the growing threats of digital world.